Compass Team: Asia, Carter, Senah, Christine, Aniket

COMPASS : Milestone 3

User Testing Standardized Questions

  1. What is your first impression of this website?Is it clear what this site is for and how to use it?
  2. Were there any terms or sections that you found confusing? If so, please specify.
  3. Did any part of the site feel especially frustrating or enjoyable to use?
  4. Did you encounter any issues or bugs while using the site?
  5. Were there any parts of the site that did not function as you expected? Any buttons/cards that you clicked that you thought would work or have an animation/extra information?
  6. Was there anything about the layout or design that made it hard to use or find information?
  7. Are there any design elements that you think could be improved for clarity or usability?
  8. How do you feel about the color scheme, fonts, and overall visual design?
  9. How would you rate the effectiveness of the site in helping you achieve what you were expecting?
  10. Did any actions or pages take significantly longer than you anticipated?
  11. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?
  12. Why or why not?
  13. Any Additional Thoughts?

List of Corrective Action Items

  1. Get images to load
  2. Make a way to go back to homepage like clicking on logo
  3. Clarity on what you're searching and what the search bar will lead to user to
  4. typeface isn’t the same for the search bars from the where to the dates
  5. Get profile button and region cards functioning
  6. Fix Header
  7. Make cards centered; too much blank space?

14 User Tests

Link to View User Tests and Their Responses

Narrative write-ups/summaries of each tester's responses/feedback

  1. Joshua Oh: The website has a visually pleasing design but requires functionality improvements. Issues include a lack of homepage access, images disappearing during searches, and unclickable regions under "Explore Regions." Compressed images in sections like "Featured Hosts" were noted, and Joshua suggests polishing these elements before recommending the site.
  2. Nicole Lee: The site is well-organized and intuitive, with a pleasing color scheme and font choice. However, Nicole mentions that the menu/profile button and logo should return to the homepage. The search results page could be more visually informative, and adding more host details would enhance the experience.
  3. Matthew Wong: The purpose of the site is clear, but features like reviews and "Recently Viewed" feel irrelevant for first-time users. Testimonials should be more prominent for credibility, and the homepage needs an engaging visual element. Functionality issues, including clickable profiles and host regions, need attention.
  4. Joanna Poon: The layout is clear, but certain functionalities are confusing. The search experience was hindered by missing images, unclear navigation, and misaligned text. Joanna suggests including an "About Us" section and clearer intent for the site to improve user understanding.
  5. Moses Kim: The site's simplicity and design are appreciated, but functionality is incomplete. Issues like an unresponsive logo, missing images, and overwhelming blue screen detract from the experience. Moses feels the site needs further development to be fully usable.
  6. Tina Habibi: The concept is appealing, but the search feature needs clearer direction on what users are searching for. Suggestions include adding headers for FAQs and About Us, improving alignment, and emphasizing more visual elements. The current layout feels incomplete but promising.
  7. Amanda Nepo: The site feels like an Airbnb alternative, but its unique value is unclear. Amanda highlights missing photos as a significant issue, as visuals are vital for travel planning. The logo and blank blue screen lack depth and excitement, and the tagline needs to clarify its meaning.
  8. Lauren Budovsky: The homepage design is appealing, but it’s not immediately clear the site isn’t for travel booking. Issues include vague search placeholders and non-clickable regions. Lauren suggests a yellow accent color for actionable elements and emphasizes making images more prominent in results.
  9. Leia Fisher: The homepage provides a good start, but the purpose of search criteria (e.g., "where") needs clarity. Leia suggests more consistency in font and typeface and feels clickable features, like regions and host cards, would enhance navigation. Overall, the potential is clear, but much refinement is needed.
  10. Joel Lee: The site is functional but underdeveloped, with key features like location dropdowns and a descriptive header missing. Joel recommends improving image placement and providing a more visually engaging landing page.
  11. Anonymous: The tagline and purpose of hosts should be upfront and clear. Frustration with the search feature and header design undermines usability. While the homepage is manageable, the lack of value presentation leaves the site underwhelming.
  12. Charlotte: The layout is sleek, but the branding is confusing, and the tagline does not align with user expectations. Features like filters for personalization and detailed host information are needed. Charlotte suggests centering elements and making the logo more visible.
  13. Jeewon Shin: The website is clear and well-designed, with the "Featured Hosts" section standing out. While Jeewon didn’t encounter major issues, they note the site would benefit from further development to fully meet user expectations.
  14. Marcus Bailey: The concept is promising, but the site feels incomplete with significant blank spaces and underdeveloped visuals. Marcus suggests adding descriptive text on the landing page, larger travel images, and refining the introductory animation for a more polished look. The structure and layout are strong, but execution needs work.