Not Solo Team: Asia, Carter, Senah, Christine, Aniket

NOT SOLO : Project Milestone 1: Research, proposal,designs,db

User Research

User Research Google Form Responses



NotSolo provides solo travelers with an exceptional, immersive, and memorable experience in your travel destination. Hosts not only provide a comfortable space to sleep within close proximity of your city of choice but also act as your local tour guide and cultural insider.


Ideal User Persona: Jane Doe
Age: 25
Occupation: Young Professional


Data to Import:

The basis of NotSolo is traveler accommodation. Thus, our first and most important data source will be residences for our users to reserve. This requires us to have hosts that will list their residences so we have two steps to take for executing our MVP. We first will likely select a demo residence and host pair that we can create using USC addresses or the addresses or the group’s members that will be used for testing and demonstration. Second, in order to have a shippable product, we will move to onboard actual hosts to list their residences as this data maintains the core functionality of the platform.

Additionally, we will also need other secondary data. One such form is locations (countries, states, etc.) that will be used to populate filters and visualizations for the platform’s search engine. Another could be profiles for main locations. For example, a brief description potentially taken from Wikipedia could be used to provide users with an introduction to the cultural and travel-relevant information for the locations.

Team Roles:

Site Map:


Account Holder : Aniket Singh

New Version (10/31/2024)


